Saturday, March 31, 2012

General Conference 2012 - Saturday Afternoon

Here's the notes from conference this afternoon. Enjoy!

Click here to view

Also, looks like David Archuleta was in the choir too today.

General Conference 2012 - Saturday Morning

It's that time of year where we get to listen to Prophets voice! I am live tweeting #ldsconf as well as taking some notes.  You can follow me on twitter too. @theycallmestu

Click here to read my notes from the Saturday Morning Session.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

John Carter

Went and saw John Carter this afternoon with the wifey. I wasn't sure what to expect. The trailer made it look like a CGI filled action flick. I knew little about it, but thought it looked like it could be a good movie.

Here's the trailer:

Warning: Possible Spoilers ahead.

The movie is based on a series of books written in the early 1900's by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I haven't read these books, so I am not sure how close the movie stays with the original story line. The movie is about a man named John Carter. A captain in the Army in the late 1800's who is seeking gold. He finds a cave he's been searching for and stumbles across a medallion that transports him to Mars, or Barsoom, as called by the natives. There is a humanoid culture as well as a four armed alien race on the planet. Two different human cities are at war with each other, as well as a race of beings who manage the destruction of planets.

John Carter is captured by the alien race and soon wins their admiration.. He saves a princess from death, and ends up fighting in a war against the baddies. (Movie in a nutshell.) He also has a heightened sense of strength, agility, and can leap like no other.

While the movie is loaded with CGI, I enjoyed the storyline, and am now very interested in reading the original stories written 100 years ago. Hopefully I can find a copy somewhere and see how well it stacks up to the movie.

I would definitely recommend this movie. My wife even walked out of the theater saying she enjoyed that movie. I will for sure be picking it up on Blu-ray when the time comes.

For more info on the character and story:

I give it 8 out of 10 stars!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Jazz beat the Heat!

The Jazz fend of the Heat in a great win. Ha ha LeBron. You lose.

Devin Harris - it's about dang time dude.

Check out Harris' clutch and one at the end to win the game: